Enhancing Accessibility by Hiding Content from Screen Readers

Bobby Bailey

Bobby Bailey

Vibe Check – When and How to Hide Content for Accessibility

Not all content on a webpage needs to be visible to screen readers. In some cases, decorative elements, redundant information, or visually hidden components should be excluded to improve the overall accessibility experience. However, improperly hiding content can cause usability issues, especially for people who rely on assistive technologies.

So, how can developers and designers ensure that hidden content enhances rather than hinders accessibility? Let’s break it down.

A Personal Story – When Hidden Content Confused Me

During an accessibility test, I came across a website where a visually hidden message appeared only when an error occurred in a form. The problem? The message wasn’t announced by my screen reader. Instead of helping, it left me confused, wondering why my form submission failed.

This experience made me realize that hiding content the wrong way can create barriers instead of removing them. Let’s explore how to hide content the right way.

Elevate the Vibe – Hiding Content the Right Way

Using ARIA-Hidden: A Precise Approach

One method for hiding content from assistive technologies is the aria-hidden attribute. This attribute prevents screen readers from announcing specific elements while keeping them visible to sighted users.

When to Use aria-hidden="true":

  • Decorative elements (e.g., background images, icons that don’t convey meaning).
  • Duplicate content that is already conveyed elsewhere (e.g., a heading visually repeated in a logo).
  • Elements that should not disrupt screen reader navigation (e.g., visual flourishes).

When NOT to Use aria-hidden="true":

  • Critical information that screen reader users need access to.
  • Interactive elements like buttons or links—if hidden, they become unusable.
  • Form inputs or error messages needed for user interaction.

Example: Hiding a Decorative Image
<img src="decorative-image.jpg" alt="Decorative Image" aria-hidden="true">
By applying aria-hidden="true", this image remains visible but is ignored by screen readers, improving efficiency.

**CSS Techniques: display: none; vs. **visibility: hidden;

CSS provides ways to visually hide content while either removing it from the document flow or keeping its space intact.

display: none;

  • Completely removes the element from both sighted users and assistive technologies.
  • Useful for hiding temporary elements (e.g., a modal that appears on button click).

.hidden { display: none; }

visibility: hidden;

  • Keeps the element’s space in the layout but makes it invisible.
  • Screen readers may still announce it, so use with caution.

.invisible { visibility: hidden; }

Key Difference:

  • display: none; fully removes the content.
  • visibility: hidden; only hides it visually but may still be read by assistive technologies.

Off-Screen Positioning: Hiding Without Removing

Another approach to hiding content while keeping it accessible is positioning it off-screen using CSS. This method is useful for screen reader-only text that provides additional context.

Example: Off-Screen Positioning
.sr-only { position: absolute; left: -9999px; }

Use Cases:

  • Providing hidden labels for screen readers.
  • Keeping alternative text available while visually hiding an element.

Hiding Decorative Icons for Screen Readers

Font icons can add visual appeal, but they may be unnecessary distractions for screen reader users. If an icon is purely decorative, hide it using ARIA:

Example: Hiding a Decorative Icon
<i class="icon-star" aria-hidden="true"></i>

If an icon conveys meaning, include a screen reader-friendly label:

Example: Making an Icon Accessible
<i class="icon-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Favorite</span>

Self-Reflection – Are You Hiding Content the Right Way?

Ask yourself:

  • Is this content decorative or essential?
  • Will hiding it impact screen reader users negatively?
  • Am I using aria-hidden correctly, only for non-essential elements?
  • Am I using CSS hiding techniques appropriately?
  • Have I tested the experience with a screen reader?

By considering these questions, you ensure that hidden content enhances usability rather than creating barriers.

Vibe in Action – Best Practices for Hiding Content

  • Use aria-hidden="true" only for non-essential decorative elements.
  • Use display: none; when content should be completely removed from all users.
  • Use visibility: hidden; cautiously—screen readers may still announce it.
  • Use off-screen positioning (left: -9999px;) for content meant for screen readers only.
  • Test, test, test! – Check how screen readers interpret your hidden content.

By following these guidelines, we can ensure that web accessibility remains a priority while keeping the visual experience intuitive for all.

Vibing Out

Hiding content isn’t about making things disappear—it’s about thoughtfully managing visibility for different users. When used correctly, aria-hidden, CSS hiding techniques, and off-screen positioning enhance accessibility rather than create confusion.